CAA Saskatchewan Magazine

CAA Saskatchewan Magazine

Read the Digital Edition

Fall 2024 Digital Issue Highlights

Chair’s Message: summer 2024 caask magazine cover
Motorists, Let’s All Slow Down Move Over! Richard Ahenakew, Chair of the CAA Saskatchewan Board of Directors, talks about the importance of Slow Down Move Over for highway workers including tow truck operators, and how to practice it. 

CAA Insider Highlights – Member Rewards, Offers, and Exclusive Services. 

  • Back to School Crosswalk Safety – Keeping our communities safe is a priority for CAA and advocacy is even more important. Here is some advice that can help everyone stay safe this back-to-school season.
  • Advice for Young Drivers – The license to drive is, for many young people, a gateway to freedom—but there’s an element of responsibility too. Here are some important safety reminders to share with young drivers in your life. 
  • Card-Carrying Scholar – How a CAA Value Membership makes the grade on campus. Check out all the places you can save!
  • Winter Driving Prep: Board Game Edition – Ensure your safety this winter with a few crucial steps – both for you and your vehicle.
  • The Best B-sides – Explore a world of unexpected travel destinations off the beaten path and swap one destination for another that might be less touristy or more affordable. Here are a few ideas to get you started. A CAA Travel Consultant can help plan your next vacation.
  • The Fall-Back Plan – With fall just around the corner, it’s time to put away the flip-flops, dust off your jacket, and start getting your home ready for autumn. Learn more about CAA Insurance products or get a quote.
  • Vanishing Vehicles – Did you know a car is stolen every five minutes in Canada. This rate is at a historical high, according to insurance-fraud research group Équité. Discover some tips on how to drive away car thieves. Learn more
  • Life-Saving Alert – If you rely on an app to help you navigate traffic you may have received a different type of alert recently—one that can help save lives. The Safety Cloud® by HAAS Alert reminds drivers to slow down and move over as they approach a stranded vehicle or a CAA rescue vehicle at work. Learn more

Where in the World Contest (Fall Issue): If you think you know where the featured destination is for the fall contest, send us a note at with your guess for your chance to win a Safe to Go Roadside Kit. Official Rules & Regulations. This fall issue’s location will be revealed in the winter 2024 edition. 

Where in the World Contest (Summer Issue): Our summer edition of Where in the World? was Little Manitou Lake, southeast of Saskatoon. Congratulations to Diana Trodd, the winner of the High Road CargoCube™ Storage Bins, courtesy of CAA Travel.

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