SGI Issuer

CAA Saskatchewan is a motor licence issuer that helps with vehicle registration information, drivers licence renewal, providing photo IDs, and issuing permits.


Let us help you with your vehicle registration needs:

  • View your personal, driver, and vehicle information.
  • Update your contact information and physical address.
  • Renew AutoPay declarations and vehicle registrations.
  • Make payments
  • Schedule an appointment for a Class 5 or M road test.

...and much more


Visit MySGI


The province of Saskatchewan has a mandatory vehicle registration and insurance program. When you purchase licence plates, you receive a basic package of insurance that includes:

  • Coverage for damage to your own vehicle (subject to a $700 deductible).
  • Personal injury coverage in the event you are injured in a vehicle accident.
  • Liability protection should you injure or damage someone else's property (subject to a maximum of $200,000).

In addition to these, CAA strongly recommends purchasing added coverage options that will help you reduce your deductible and increase your liability coverage.

Option 1: Purchase CAA’s exclusive CAA Auto Extension Insurance* to get extra coverage for your vehicles, including a liability coverage of up to $5,000,000.

Option 2: Choose between either tort insurance or no-fault insurance. Tort insurance provides you the ability to sue in more situations as compared to no-fault insurance.

Visit your nearest CAA motor licence issuer today.


We strongly encourage all CAA Members to review the SGI materials.
*For more information on CAA Auto Extension Insurance, click here or call 1.800.564.6222. CAA Auto Extension Insurance is underwritten by CAA Insurance Company.