Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 items

Immersion heater

Lewis N. Clark - Immersion Heater


starting at
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Perfect for heating water on the road. You won't have to waste money on an overpriced cappuccino, spend sightseeing time searching for a coffee shop, or worry whether your next hotel will have a water heater.


Travelon Set of 2 TSA Accepted Padlocks

starting at
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TSA accepted luggage lock - spot it, secure it. Airport theft is more common than you think. Between 2010 and 2014 the TSA reported more than 2.4 million dollars in missing items at American airports alone. 25 percent of these thefts happened in the baggage pick-up areas. TSA locks work as an excellent deterrent. With so many bags unlocked, other people present and limited time to work in, thieves will pass locked bags by in favor of easier unlocked targets.